Diripedia Online


©MATRIKS-DIRIPEDIA: Menjelajahi dan Memetakan Diri Kita

Oleh :Luluk SumiarsoPendiri & Ketua NioD-Indonesia(The Nusantara Institute of ©Diripedia)  Abstract The article titled “©Diripedia-Matrix: Exploring and Mapping Our Self” introduces a comprehensive framework, ©Diripedia-Matrix, developed by NIoD-Indonesia (The Nusantara Institute of ©Diripedia)

©Diripedia – Aligning People with the Universe

By Luluk SumiarsoFounder and Chairman of NioD-Indonesia(The Nusantara Insitute of ©Diripedia) Introduction In the age of technological revolutions and interconnectedness, the concept of IoT (Internet of Things) has inspired new ways of understanding